Amazon Seller

Ecomtent increases Amazon Product listing conversion by +30%

Ecomtent's ecommerce ai solutions helped Belle Morgane, a successful beauty Amazon Seller, create compelling Amazon product listings resulting in a 30% conversion increase. Learn how our AI Photoshoot, AI generated infographics and optimised text can grow sales in your business.

In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, standing out from the competition is key. That's why forward-thinking companies like Belle Morgane are leveraging Ecomtent's ai generated images and text to create eye-catching product listings that convert.

Belle Morgane started with a simple mission: to provide a regrowth hair serum that empowers individuals to rediscover their natural confidence through vibrant, healthy hair. Their serum is meticulously crafted using only the safest organic ingredients, nourishing and revitalizing hair follicles to foster regrowth and renewal. With Belle Morgane, every drop is a step towards a more vibrant you!

Belle Morgane operate in a crowded space on Amazon, and with souring costs of PPC, they needed to make every customer session count. Ecomtent was the obvious perfect partner to optimise product listings. Using Ecomtent's AI and  full service model, Belle Morgane was able to create ai generated people (left) with lustrous hair to make the A+ content jump out. The results was a30% increase in conversion from captivating images like this example listing. It's clear that ai ecommerce is the future. See an example listing here for yourself.

Ecomtent is no longer just an AI product photo generator, however ai generated product images still lies at the core of what we do to create eye-catching, high-converting product listings.

Join the ecommerce revolution with ai product images, infographics, and text that sell. The future is here - don't get left behind!

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