Amazon's latest AI Algorithm COSMO, and what it means for Amazon Search

COSMO, Amazon's advanced "Common Sense Knowledge Generation" system that will underpin its AI Search, will soon reshape how we all shop by understanding customer behaviour and intent behind the search. This blog provides an overview of COSMO in simple terms, examines its significant impact on Amazon's search functionality, and offers practical strategies for Amazon Sellers to adapt effectively in this evolving marketplace.

COSMO, Amazon's advanced "Common Sense Knowledge Generation" system that will underpin its AI Search, will soon reshape how we all shop by understanding customer behaviour and intent behind the search. This blog provides an overview of COSMO in simple terms, examines its significant impact on Amazon's search functionality, and offers practical strategies for Amazon Sellers to adapt effectively in this evolving marketplace. You can optimize your listings for Amazon COSMO here.

Summarizing the COSMO Research paper

COSMO represents a groundbreaking system developed by Amazon, which harnesses the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to mine user-centric commonsense knowledge from a plethora of behaviours and construct expansive knowledge graphs. This system enhances e-commerce search by filling the gap between basic product attributes and understanding deeper user intentions and behaviors. COSMO refines raw data from LLMs using human-in-the-loop annotated data and instruction tuning, producing high-quality, efficient language models (COSMO-LM) that align more closely with human preferences. This advancement enables Amazon to expand its knowledge graph across 18 major categories, creating millions of high-quality knowledge assertions from only 30,000 annotated instructions. Significantly, COSMO has been integrated into various Amazon search applications, including search relevance, session-based recommendation, and search navigation, with both offline and online experiments demonstrating substantial improvements​​. You can read the full paper on this next generation AI for ecommerce here.

The Impact on Amazon Search

COSMO is set to revolutionize Amazon's search functionality by bridging the semantic gap between customer queries and product catalogs. Traditional search engines face challenges in aligning the search query with the most relevant products due to this gap. For instance, a customer searching for "winter clothes" is likely looking for garments that provide warmth, but conventional search algorithms may not always make this common-sense connection. COSMO enhances search relevance by infusing common-sense knowledge into the process, thereby aligning search results more closely with user intentions. This improvement is expected to lead to a more intuitive shopping experience for customers, potentially increasing customer satisfaction and sales conversions​​.

How Amazon Sellers Can Adapt

To leverage COSMO's capabilities, Amazon Sellers should consider the following strategies:

  • Enhance Product Listings: It’s vital for sellers to optimize their product titles, descriptions, and metadata to be as descriptive and clear as possible, with a focus on aligning with customer intentions and common sense associations. Tools like Ecomtent's product listing AI can support with this, leveraging the latest AI in Ecommerce.
  • Utilize Data Insights: Sellers should use the data provided by Amazon to understand how customers are finding and interacting with their products. This information can guide adjustments in product offerings and marketing strategies.
  • Stay Aligned with Customer Intentions: As COSMO evolves, it will continuously identify new customer trends and preferences. Sellers need to be agile in adapting their strategies to align with these insights.
  • Encourage Customer Engagement: Post-purchase feedback and reviews are crucial. They not only contribute to the knowledge graph, influencing future search relevance and recommendations, but also provide valuable insights for sellers to improve their product offerings and customer service.

Embracing these approaches will enable Amazon Sellers to effectively utilize COSMO's advanced capabilities, ensuring they remain competitive and relevant in the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce. Ecomtent's Amazon Listing Software helps you to manage this in an automated way. Read more about our Patented technology here: Ecomtent files patent on its proprietary ecommerce automation technology.

You can test how optimized your current product listings are for COSMO's new algorithm for free at

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