Effective August 15th, Amazon are going to enforce their new bullet point requirements, and "remove non-compliant content and use AI to generate compliant, high-quality bullet points". These changes signal the imminent full rollout of COSMO, Amazon's new Common Sense Search algorithm.
Effective Thursday August 15th, Amazon are going to enforce their new bullet point requirements, and "remove non-compliant content and use AI to generate compliant, high-quality bullet points" (official announcement) Amazon's new bullet requirements include:
- Banning special characters, emojis, specific phrases, guarantees, or repetitiveness.
- Between 10 and 255 characters in length - Highlight how the product meets the customer's needs, rather than just listing fact
- "Clear, natural language" and "avoid stuffing in unnecessary keywords or phrases"
Effective August, 15, 2024, we're updating our existing product bullet point requirements to simplify and enhance product detail pages for customers. Key changes include the following:
- Restriction of special characters, emojis, and some phrases, such as refund-related guarantees.
- Guidance to help you create high-quality bullet points that are clear and concise.
- These updates will help customers quickly compare products and determine whether an item meets their needs. Standardized bullet points enable customers to easily find and assess the key features and benefits, and they empower customers to make informed purchase decisions.
In addition to our existing review processes, we'll use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to help us optimize listing quality. We'll remove non-compliant content and use AI to generate compliant, high-quality bullet points. We'll share any AI-generated quality-related improvements with you for review before we publish them to your listings.
Bullet points highlight the five main features and benefits you want customers to know about your products. Bullet points help customers quickly understand if the product is right for them.
Do not include below information. Bullet points with below information will be removed or updated:
Writing guidelines for high-quality bullet points:
Example of high-quality bullet points:
These changes signal a full rollout of COSMO, Amazon's new Common Sense Search Algorithm. You can read more about what COSMO is here. To update your bullet points for compliant at scale, and optimize your listings for COSMO and Amazon RUFUS while you are at it, use the pre-eminent AI tool for ecommerce and most advanced Amazon Listing Software Ecomtent.
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